Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Get any boy

  1. Love how you look. If you want a boy to fall in love with you, then it has to be love at first sight, right? Wrong. If you want a boy to fall in love with you, he has to grow to love all of you -- the inside and out. The outside is a great place to start. If you're in love with your looks and are proud of your appearance, then the boy will be able to tell and will start to love how you look, too.

    • Wear clothes that make you feel pretty and comfortable. If you feel uncomfortable or not like your true self in unnaturally tight clothes, then it'll show.
    • Love your body. You don't have to meet an unrealistic standard of beauty to love the way your body looks, and to appreciate it for its quirks. Take up a thirty-minute exercise routine every day to feel healthier both mentally and physically. If you're proud of your body, then the boy will be able to tell.
    • Be comfortable in your own skin. Don't cower in a room or hide in a dark corner; be the life of the party and be proud to show off your looks.
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    Love what you do. Any boy will be much more likely to fall in love with you if you love what you do and feel more positive about the things in your life. If you make it known that you're happy pursuing your interests, school work, or career, then he'll be more inclined to want to get to know you.

    • If you're in school, don't complain about your classes and teachers. Instead, focus on the things you do love and why they make you happy.
    • Love your extra-curricular activities and interests. Don't complain about soccer practice; instead, talk about how excited you are for Friday's game. Who wants to be around a person who doesn't like anything she's doing by choice?
    • Stay positive. Whenever you talk about what you're doing that weekend or what your day looked like, say five positive things for every one negative thing. It's okay to complain once in a while, but if you complain all the time, no boy will want to fall in love with you.
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    Love who you are. Seriously -- it'll be almost impossible to get a boy to fall in love with you if you don't love yourself. If you want a boy to fall in love with you, then you have to love who you are and be proud of the person you're becoming. Here's how to do it:

    • Understand your strengths. Think of the top five things that make you remarkable -- write them down, if you have to. Then, use them to your advantage. Make the most of your good attributes by showing them off as much as possible. For example, if you know you have an amazing sense of humor, then flaunt it in front of your boy.
    • Address your flaws. Loving who you are doesn't mean thinking you're flawless -- in fact, if you're aware of at least three qualities you need to work on, then you'll only love yourself more as you try to improve your problem areas.
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    Develop your confidence. As you work on loving how you look, loving what you do, and loving who you are, your confidence will sky rocket. If you're confident and comfortable with yourself, your boy will feel more confident about you as well. To be confident, learn to speak clearly, stand up for yourself, and be comfortable enough with yourself to be able to laugh at your own foibles.

    • Remember that there's a difference between being confident and being arrogant. If you end up bragging about how great you are all the time, then it'll look like a major turn off.

Get His Attention

  1. 1
    Be fun. If you want a boy to love you, then you have to look like a fun person to be around. Whenever he sees you, you should have a big smile on your face, do something silly, and be giggling or laughing with a group of friends. If you're a fun person, you'll become magnetic, and more people will want to hang around you because it'll be a guaranteed good time.

    • Be adventurous. Fun people are okay with going out of their comfort zones to have a good time. Are you afraid of riding a unicycle, learning to do the foxtrot, or going hiking? Well, transfer your fear into positive energy, and you'll get more out of life.
    • Don't be afraid to be goofy or just plain silly. You don't have to be an aloof model type to get a guy to fall in love with you. Show that you don't take yourself too seriously by wearing silly t-shirts, dressing up for theme parties, and even telling jokes that make people groan.
    • Just look like you're having a good time. Be the person that everyone at the party gravitates toward by being animated, gesturing, and being excited whenever an old friend walks through the door. If you look like the most fun person in the room, your boy will notice you for sure.
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    Work your body. Your body language can be essential in grabbing your guy's attention. Your body can get your guy interested before you even say a word, so it's important to get it right and not send him the wrong message from across the room. Here's how you can get a guy's attention with a few subtle moves:

    • Don't be afraid to make eye contact. Lock eyes with the boy, let him know you see him, and then smile and look away. Don't stare -- just make eye contact for long enough to get the guy's attention.
    • Don't cross your arms over your chest. Keep them at your sides or use them to gesture. This will make you look open and approachable.
    • Stand tall. Good posture will show that you're confident, and that you're comfortable with being who you are.
    • Play with your hair. This is a great way to flirt with the guy while you're talking, or even when you just lock eyes from across the room.
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    Be cute. Boys may want to hook up with hot girls, but cute girls are the ones they fall in love with a lot of the time. If you want a boy to fall in love with you, then you have to make the most of your cuteness by dressing in a cute way, being demure, and seeming a bit innocent.

    • Don't wear clothing that's too provocative. Wear pastel colors, cute skirts, and show off your shoulders and arms but don't wear anything incredibly low cut.
    • Act a bit coy by talking softly, not interrupting when the guy talks, and avoiding overly vulgar language.
    • To seem a bit innocent, don't act like you know too much about the more unseemly elements of life, and try blushing if an inappropriate topic comes up.
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    Be an amazing flirt. If you want the guy to start falling in love with you, you have to show that you're interested by flirting a bit. You don't have to come on too strong to be able to keep up light banter with the guy, tease him a bit, and just be playful when you talk to the boy.

    • Keep up a light banter. If he says something quick and funny, don't just laugh -- fire back an equally cute and funny comment. Then you can laugh to show him how much you're enjoying the conversation.
    • Tease him. If you and the guy are comfortable enough with each other, then you can gently tease him for one of his interests -- like his obsession with his dog or guitar -- or even lightly poke fun at something he's wearing while obviously letting him know he looks good.
    • If you really want to flirt, touch him lightly on the shoulder from time to time to get closer to him.
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    Let him see what makes you special. If a boy falls in love with you, then he has to think that you're completely special in some way. Otherwise, why should he love you and not someone else? Let him know what makes you a unique person who is worth loving.

    • Be yourself. Let him see who you really are, even if you think you're a bit nerdy, a bit shy, or just afraid to really open up to any boy. He can't love you if he doesn't really know you.
    • Open up. Let him know a bit more about your dreams or your fears. You should only do this once you get to know him better. If you've always wanted to be a pastry chef or event planner, let him know.
    • Talk about your interests. Let him know what makes you want to get up in the morning -- whether it's learning French, volunteering at the local homeless shelter, or just spending time with your best friends.

Keep Him Hooked

  1. 1
    Take an interest in him. If you want him to stay in love with you, then you can't just let him worship you. You have to show that you care about who he is as a person too. After all, you want to be in love too, right? Here's how to show that you really care about him as a person:

    • As you get to know each other, ask him questions about his personal life. Talk to him about his childhood, his family, and his background.
    • Take an interest in his work or studies. If he's really into science or history, talk to him about those subjects instead of brushing him off.
    • Ask his opinion. Ask what he thinks about different subjects, from your newest outfit to world affairs. Show that his perspective really matters to you.
    • Understand his moods. Learn to be extra supportive if he's having a bad day.
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    Complement him. Let him know that he's an amazing guy, and list all of the things that make him great. You don't have to smother him with praise to let him know that he's truly special from time to time. You can compliment him in person, through texting, or by leaving a note at his desk or his locker. This will let you know that you're thinking about how great he is.

    • Only compliment him when you really mean it. Don't give him false praise just because you think it'll make him like you more.
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    Give him love and affection. If you want him to stick around, then you should give the boy enough love and affection to make him see how special he is to you. If you're together, give him an encouraging touch or squeeze, and hug or kiss him from time to time as long as he's okay with some PDA.

    • If you haven't been around him for a while, tell him that you missed him. This will let him know how much you love being around him.
    • If you're watching a movie, don't be afraid to snuggle or cuddle a little bit. Don't go for hand holding right away -- a lot of boys don't like it.
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    Be fascinating. If you want to keep the guy hooked, then you should not only let him know how unique he is to you, but make him love picking your brain and talking to you about almost any subject. If he's only attracted to you physically or just thinks you're a fun girl, he won't stay in love with you forever.

    • Be up to date on current events. A lot of boys love politics and reading the paper, so you should do this too so you can keep up your end of the conversation.
    • Read more in general. Reading more will expand your mind and will give you more to talk about in general.
    • Don't ever be bored. Only boring people are truly bored. Be excited about your life and the world around you, and he'll only want to spend more time with you.

Stay in Love

  1. 1
    Maintain your independence. Though you may think that the boy will only stay in love with you if he sees you every second of very day, the opposite is actually true. Your boy will be much more likely to stay in love with you if he sees that you have a life of your own, that you have some of your own friends, and that you're OK with just spending some time alone.

    • Don't try to have the exact same schedule as the boy. Keep up your sports, outside friends, and hobbies. If you drop everything just to be with him, then it'll look like you don't value your own goals very much.
    • You and the boy don't have to have the exact same friends. Continue having "girl time" and let him have his "boy time" -- your relationship will be healthier if you don't spend all of your social time together.
    • Stay busy. He'll want you more if he knows that your schedule isn't wide open and that you can't have him whenever you want.
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    Keep things fresh. If you want the boy to stay interested, then you have to keep mixing it up. Don't do the same old thing every day or he'll begin to get tired of the same old routine. You should make the relationship always feel new and exciting no matter how long you've been together.

    • Pursue a new hobby together. Pick a new hobby to do together, whether it's learning how to make the best cupcakes in the world or becoming master golfers. If you do something new together every month, then your relationship will continue to feel new.
    • Discover new places together. Don't go to dinner at the same restaurant every Friday night. Find a new place to eat and keep things interesting.
    • Go out of your comfort zones together. You should both do something that makes you feel squeamish -- whether it's learning to surf or conquering your fears of spiders.
    • Find a new way to tell your boyfriend how much you love him. Don't just say "I love you" every time -- be creative when you tell him how you feel.
  3. 3
    Don't force it. If you're falling out of love, or not really feeling the love to begin with, then there's no point in forcing something that just isn't there. This will only make you both miserable. It's better to cut things off once you both know it will never work instead of letting the relationship die a slow, painful death.

    • Be honest. If you really think it's not working, sit down and have a talk about parting ways.
    • Don't be discouraged. Most people fall in love more than once in a lifetime, and you have a whole lifetime of falling in love with boys -- and one day, men -- ahead of you.

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